CHUP Socks At Unionmade

Chup Socks 01


The Glen Clyde Company launched the colorful Chup sock range in 2009 determined to produce socks of the highest quality. Inspired by the native colors and cultures of the world, each pair of Chup (Classical Human’s Universe Peace) socks are knitted in Japan using an old school stocking frame. The meticulous production and finishing process keeps quantities low and quality high, producing only 25 pairs per day. Artisanal socks… from Japan. Where else.

Chup socks are available now ($30 – $35.00 each) at


Chup Sedona in Grey

Chup Sedona High in Red

Chup Qoa in Forest Green

Chup Sedona High in Medium Grey

Chup Sedona High in Indigo

Chup Ganado in Grey



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